Monday, January 30, 2017

Comments from friends and viewers

After uploading the rough cut onto our shared YouTube Channel, my friends gave me a lot of useful comments on what I should do to improve my footage.

I really wanted to retake some of the scenes but couldn't, because my brother has now cut his hair, and Dan has now started university in Hua Hin. Therefore, I need to go with what I have. It would be a lot better if I  can add some more shots of the wall with the child's drawings to emphasize the fact that he draws everything he saw in his dream onto paper. However, the wall can not be recreate now, for the original drawings in the footage were thrown away.

Apart from what my teacher had said, there are more minor details I have to fix, such as the audio and the color grading.
On screen, the apartment scene was unexpectedly orange. I decided to fix this problem by redoing the color grading of the film. [There's a blog dedicated to this process below]

A lot of my friends commented that the voice overs were the main error that made the opening mistaken as a trailer. On the other hand, quite a number of my friends thinks that the voice over is the main thing that made the film interesting and unique from the others'.
I plan to fix this problem by reducing the voice overs. This means that there would be no narrative voice overs in the apartment scene anymore, as the chaotic feelings in the dream should stop when he wakes up.

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