Monday, January 9, 2017

Preparing for Coursework - DAY 10 - Editing the 'Dream' Sequence

After filming, I tried editing. The programs used were Adobe Audition (For voice recording), Adobe Premiere Pro (For sequencing), and Adobe After Effects (For color grading and adding special effects)

Below is a rough cut of the 'Dream' sequence without credits. The mood highly depends on the color grading (Dim - greenish, representing venom and wicked hazards). I used the overlay layer in Adobe After Effects for the 'Ace' symbol and the Killer's lair location.

The actors in this scene are Beam (my brother), my dad, and Micha (my cousin)

To make it seem more cinematic, I decided to add those black bars to make it a 16:9 ratio. An example result is as below:

This is an experiment I did for the early black screen (with sound and credits):

What went well:

  • The mood and color grading is kept at a consistent pace. 
  • Tension slowly builds from the start to the climax at the end when Scott was about to discover what is behind the door.
  • The sounds became more violent and frantic nearer to the end compared to the water drop ambient at the start, showing that the dream starts to near its end and enforces the idea that the main character needs to hurry.
  • My brother performed with patience and dealt with my directing task very well.
  • My poppa who never really care about me or my homework really enjoyed the filming process and volunteered to e the director - which I declined his offer - and had him help me with the production. He was more than happy to do it. :) (This is the best part!)

Even better if:

  • I should add in more clues of the 'Ace' Murderer. Maybe as a tattoo on the killer's hands, ore just glimpses of the black Ace card near his weapons or on his working desk. I NEED TO HIDE IT IN THERE SOMEWHERE!

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