Thursday, December 8, 2016

Preparing for coursework - DAY 2 - THE CHARACTERS

From the initial gathering of ideas. Only the two main characters will show up in the opening (and that is about enough!).

Child Protagonist
Name: Scott Cluster
Age: 12-13

'Scott Cluster' is a child whose parents died as a victim of murder (not by the serial killer the two are trying to find) and had led a traumatized life on his own since six. He is a strong independent child who has more capabilities than what society credited him for. His obsession for drawing a maze on every possible surface comes from seven years of experience with the nightmare where he believes means something.

Key characteristics: Curious, easily scared, stubborn, fairly quiet, introverted, 'the weird kid at school', believes highly in hope, and he wishes for everything to just stop and the nightmares to leave him alone

Inspired by: Conor (A monster's call),  Lilo (Lilo and Stitch),  Amadeus Cho (Marvel comics)

Cast: Raphassit Suwiwatchai (Beam) - my brother

The reason that I choose my brother for this particular part is because he is the closest person I could reach out to. One of his talent is to perform. He has been in the performing industry for three to four years now, and has been in television advertisements, and musical plays on a national scale stage. He is currently in role for a screen-drama.

I think that Scott's character would fit him quite well, because he himself is curious and at the same time, quiet. I have seen him in his 'geek' mode over different subject matters and I'd like to have that enthusiasm shines from within Scott's introverted manner.

Investigator Protagonist
Name: Victor Blake
Age: 35

As a helper to a detective superior, Victor faces different major problems at the same time. Not only trying to prove that he himself can be useful as an investigator on his own and compete with another younger trainee, he also needs to prove to Scott's teacher and therapist, Dr. Cho (a made up name only mentioned once), that he is able to look after the child, out of sympathy six years ago, and manages to financially support him with the insecurity of his only job at the moment.

Key Characteristics: Sullen ,depressed, stressed, drained, follows logic (does not believe if no physical evidence), obey the rules and laws, determined, portrayed at first as an underdog to the other detectives in office where no one takes him seriously

Inspired by: Robert Graysmith and Dave Toschi combined (Zodiac), Nani (Lilo and Stitch)

Cast: Dan Williams

Mr. Williams is a family friend. He was also our host in San Francisco during the summer. My brother and I used to study English with him back when I was in a Thai school (about the age of 9) and had come to be the most a teacher and students could be. Even today, we sill discuss different films (our favorite topic: Star Wars) and talk about current affairs. When I told him that I am going to make a film opening of my own, Mr. Williams happily volunteered to help with the acting, filling in perfectly with Victor's role.

Both the name Scott and Victor comes from the two main protagonists of a comic book series I was working with my friend earlier in the year. Because of the workload, we decided to continue later and so I asked for her permission to use Victor's character in this case.

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